Saturday, April 4, 2015

Two Figs Winery and Comerong Island Walk

Our first official day with Chy-Anne's sister, Chantal, and her husband, Dave, was action-packed. The weather was nice (crisp Autumn day with no rain:) and we squeezed in some good local things.

Chy-Anne and Chantal ready for their wine-tasting at the Two Figs Winery
 From the Two Figs Winery looking down over the Shoalhaven River

 A beautiful spot!

While the girls were immersing themselves in the wine culture, Liam, Bryce, Uncle Dave and I drove just up the street to Shoalhaven Heads where our plan was to park the truck and walk over to Comerong Island across the sandbar (not truly an island most of the time).

Comerong Island is a major birding hotspot - and with Dave being a passionate "twitcher" (bird-watcher), it was the perfect spot to explore!

Lots of birdlife on the river's edge 


Bar-tailed Godwit

Backpacks on and ready to roll!

Squeezing in a morning workout!

Man Down!

 Lots of birds to track
The track to the beach

The sandy coast 

Exploring the dunes 


Walking along the shoreline as the tide is going out 

 Mt. Coolangatta in the background 

Everything drying up to clear a pathway over the island for us 


Fresh clay to muck with

 Happy boy!

     A great deal of the water emptied out as we were walking

 On the Island!

This walk had about 5 really distinct environments along the way.
 Lots of interesting things to see and look for...

Every hole has a very small crab in it
Peek a boo!

Found more Golden Orbweavers up in the scrub

The beach all to ourselves! 

Roo prints

Looks like the joey got out to do some exploring!

We found our tracks coming over to make it easy on the return

 Blue Soldier Crabs emerging from the holes

Bryce and Liam "catching" crabs 

There were so many crabs that we had to watch our steps to try not to step on them (thousands!)

We made it back! 


A perfect pelican fishing spot 

After we picked the girls back up from the winery, we continued on to Mt. Coolangatta Lookout to show Chantal and Dave the spectacular views of the area!

 The happy couple!

 Liam and Bryce watching the Rosellas

Cafe was closed...another time

On the drive home, we finally saw an echidna (the other egg-laying mammal here in Australia besides the platypus - which we are still searching for:). He was just trolling along the roadside.


A great day to be followed up with more adventures while Chantal and Dave are here!

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