Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Spirit of the ANZACs - 100 Years On

Australians are a proud people with a strong tradition of mateship and respect for their history. We had the chance to experience a truly special moment in their country's existence - the centenary of the allied attack on the Gallipoli peninsula (Turkey) during WW1. 

ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) troops saw a devastating 14,000 killed during the campaign and ever since then this country has vowed to keep their spirits alive and voices heard through solemns calls: Lest We Forget.

We marched in the Nowra Anzac Service on Saturday morning as part of St. Michael's school community and had a terrific time. We had plans to meet Jane and Phillip for the march and then head over to Anne's house (Mrs. Dempsey) for a visit. A full day of Australian culture and pride!

The people here have been terrific at showing us their country!

Bryce and Liam with Jane (Mrs. B.B.) 

Setting up for the march

St. Michael's school banner carried by some of our Year 6s

Jane wore the medals of her father proudly

Almost time to march!

Chy-Anne walked with Bryce and our little friend, Ashtyn, whose family lived in America for 2 years and we've become good friends with.

As we marched, the crowd clapped and cheered!

Everyone paused briefly as a helicopter flew low overhead during the march

We made our way to the end of the route and found a place to listen to the ceremony near the Soldiers Memorial

We found a bit of shade on what turned out to be a really nice sunny morning 

The Finneys at the 100th year of ANZAC Day

Respectful wreaths were laid and tributes given while a crowd of 4,000 looked on

Advance Australia Fair

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