Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Picnic in the Clouds - Drawing Room Rocks Walk

Drawing Room Rocks is just about a half-hour drive from where we are living. It has been on our list of walks 'to do' since we arrived - and with a mainly sunny day in the forecast - we headed out to tackle it!

Chy-Anne is pointing out Pigeon House Mountain on the far right in the distance 
(from the top of Drawing Room Rocks)

There were rivers of clouds slowly flowing over the ridges and hillsides as we drove towards the walk. When we arrived - we were in those same clouds for a bit. 

The walk is around a 5 km return trip with a vertical ascent of about 300 metres. The trail was through the bush and along the edges of the hills - we had to keep Liam and Bryce close!

The boys did really well with the climbing. 
Only a few small wipeouts in the mud on some slippery bits for Bryce.

Huge uprooted trees with clay soils still attached

Chy-Anne spotted a lyrebird in the bush - we ended up seeing and hearing at least 3 different lyrebirds on this walk. They are one of our favourite birds to listen to - as they mimic other birds and noises that they've heard (sounds like R2D2 and laser fire as well!)

Sun shimmering on the ferns

We started to get quite high up

The rocks began to change 

Stopped for a rest - just a bit more...

Banksia cones

Tree roots and wet sections made the walk tricky at times

Banksia Blooms

And then we reached the summit...

Best mates!

Coolangatta Mountain with Jervis Bay in the background behind it

Towards Gerroa and the Ocean

The view towards Nowra 

Drawing Room Rocks with the "Wedding Cake" in the distance
Intricate rock formations and 'tabletops' ideal for a rest

We made it!

Taking in the views (my shadow squeezed into this one - almost a family shot!)

Panoramic of the incredible view

Liam in the "throne"

"The Saddle" - we decided NOT to sit on this one...yikes!

Perfect spot for a picnic - somehow we managed to have the top to ourselves
(even on a day with lots of people on the trail!)

Maxin' and Relaxin'

Another beautiful lookout together!

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